1 min
- [#6852]: Fix CargoLink URL display after creating a new CargoLink
- [#6822]: Support non-numerical characters in LDAP-provisioned mobile phone numbers
- [#6809]: Disable display of CargoLink upload preference field when enable_links_upload: false
- [#6717]: Fix an issue with authentication caching when a user’s DN changes in LDAP
- [#6705]: Fix a JS injection vulnerability in filemanager HTML preview
- [#6703]: Fix an XSS vulnerability in the PIN field
- [#6656]: Remove TLSCACertificateFile parameter from proftpd.conf
- [#6202]: Update all applications to use Ruby 2.1.5
- [#6156]: Update ProFTPD to version 1.3.5a, restrict FTPS to TLS v1.1 & v1.2